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Lift Attendance in your offline/online events – Leveraging facebook social media for businesses

social media marketing

How can businesses leverage facebook today, in the next 10 minutes with very less resources. If you run events (offline or online) you are in luck. One of the things facebook does very well and the reason why a lot of people use it for is event management.

You should however use other channels as well for better response, however if it’s a personal services event and all of your contacts are on facebook already, you could potentially use facebook just your event invites.

Advantages of using facebook for your events

– you can set up an event invite in 5 minutes and send it out to your fans
– the event has a viral effect, once your contacts RSVP, their friends will see that and might attend themselves
– you can build up your business fan base through nice events
– It’s FREE!! can’t top that


So how do you set up and event in your facebook business page? 


1. Log into your facebook account


2. If you haven’t already, Add Events as a tab

Click on the plus button next to the tabs and select events. This will add Events as a tab. All of your fans can now find your events under the events tab.



3. Create a new Event

It will now ask you to create an event if you don’t already have one. image

Enter Details of the Event. You can add a street address if you like, select the times and click on Create Event.



4. Add picture and describe your event

Leave the default settings as is. If you select Meetings, then you should get a good fit of business events.

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5. Publish to  page’s Wall and fan’s home pages

Click on Publish to publish it to your home page.

Social Media Marketing Australia

6. Invite Friends with a personal Message

As a final step, you can now invite all of your friends to this event and also add a personal message. If you have a list of email addresses for your business associates, use the Invite people via email box

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Happy Inviting!!

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