
Posts Tagged ‘advanced segments’

Google Analytics – Advanced Segments – Returning Visitors from Australia

March 14th, 2010 No comments


Advanced Segments in Google Analytics are very powerful. This allows you to drop your website visitors into separate buckets/segments and view reports around those particular segments.

An Example of Advanced Segments in Google Analytics is

All Australian Users who have been to the site before

For DzineClub, these are high value customers for us. So we analyse this segment to see what they are doing. Some information that we can now find out about them are

– where did they originate (this will help us target more on that source so that we can generate more loyal and local customers)

– Goal Conversions (how is the goal conversion on our local and loyal visitors)

– What pages do these segments go to

An interesting fact for us was that our Australian Returning Visitors segments browsers were majority of Firefox and Chrome browsers. So we can assume that they are a bit more tech savvy and we can provide content which could be a bit technical.

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