
Posts Tagged ‘dashboards’

Custom PHP Application Development / Custom Web Application Development

June 26th, 2010 4 comments

Over the years, we have been involved in not just web design and online marketing but a lot of custom PHP development. Every now and then, a stock standard solution doesn’t fit the needs of a client where we develop custom solutions for them. Here are a few examples of the work we have done. Client names and project names have been hidden because of privacy.

Sports Event Management Dashboard

Still in an infancy stage, we built a solution for a sports company to manage their events. Previously they have been using Offline Forms and Direct Mail plus cheques to manage all their events. Now they are about 80% online in all of their range of events with the rest set to finish towards the end of the year.

Screen below shows a dashboard, where they can see at any stage, how many started the registrations, how many completed the registration and how many errors there were. This also tracks on a percentage level how far they are from reaching their target.

Sports Event Management Dashboard


Tracking applicant History (Record Check)

One of our clients uses companies to check histories of people. Companies hire our client to do record checks on potential employees so that they are risk free. The system we built allows our client to give access to those employers to do record checks on individuals themselves. Also our client can jump into the system anytime and do record checks on behalf of the company.

Tracking Applicant History - Record Check

Dealer Communication and Management

A Client recently asked us how he can communicate and manage his dealership base more effectively. The solution we have implemented for him allows him to not just manage his products, but also his dealership base, such as adding dealerships, editing dealerships and communicating offers to his dealership quickly within minutes.

Dealer Communication and Management

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