
Posts Tagged ‘data driven marketing’

what is in an email address? heaps – email marketing Australia

August 11th, 2010 No comments

So you have an email marketing list as most companies now a days. Normally you’d be doing any of these things based on time and resources

General email marketing process

  • you send email newsletters to them regularly

  • you send ad-hoc emails during promotions
  • you look at reports and try and keep your open rates high

If you are fairly bored with repetitive emails

  • maybe you look at bounces and try and correct them
  • you might change your subject lines and try and get higher opens

If you are an Advanced email marketing user

  • you might A/B test different subject lines and content to optimise user experience
  • you might connect your emails to your analytics and read ROI from emails rather than open rates
  • you might use social media tools and connect your email newsletters to your social networks to leverage

    Knowing your email subscribers social media details

      We all know that the better we know our subscribers, the higher our open rates and higher conversion, But I doubt many people look at the existing list and try and use external tools to enrich user data in them.  With all the social media and api’s that let you collect information about users, it has come to a point where you should look at your subscriber list and get information such as

      • age groups
      • social network involvements (facebook, twitter, linkedin)
      • How involved they are in facebook, twitter, linked in

        Imagine …

      Imagine that your list that you have today of just email addresses, lying in your email marketing platform can be grouped as active facebook users, active twitter users, social media influencers, age groups, gender, location etc The way you will be able to target the list will exponentially increase your email marketing effectiveness.


      What can you do with email marketing data like this

      • send emails to facebook users asking them to join your facebook fan page
      • send special offers to twitter influencers, where if they tweet your brand, they get special offers or discounts
      • target gender specific emails on product sales
      • target age specific emails
      • target location specific emails

      Contact us to Generate demographic user information from email addresses

      If you have an email marketing platform and you have a good social media strategy, we can help you get demographic and social media involvement about your users so that you can target them better and increase relevancy

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