
Posts Tagged ‘Loyalty’

Free or Trial to Paid Memberships

February 23rd, 2010 No comments

One of the best ways to get more customers is to offer them a free service for a period of time and then ask them to pay if they like it and use it. Companies like Online Movie Rental, Content Providers etc do it very often and well. So what strategies can you use to convert your free or trial Members into subscription/paid members.

  • Offer them a very enticing incentive to join the free program. Sometimes the trial of the program could be the incentive itself.
  • Ask your members what expectations they have from the free trial. Make these categories that 1. segments your members and 2. the key performance indicators of your program.
  • Tag these users separately and track what they are doing and how they are consuming the information and services provided
  • Create a nurturing program that is in sync with what your users have indicated
  • Halfway between the trial, ask your users for their feedback on how the program is working via survey poll etc
  • Review the second half of the program based on feedback
  • At the end of the program build it up to a un-missable offer
  • Offer paid membership
  • Review every 3 months and innovate

DzineClub is a SEO, SEM, Online Marketing and Web Design company in Melbourne, Australia. Ask us on how you can improve your trial to paid memberships by sending an email to

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