
Posts Tagged ‘procrastination’

Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique – Get rid of procrastination

March 11th, 2010 1 comment

The Pomodoro Technique - focus

There is a lot of distractions in today’s day. Work is usually not the most fun part 😉 so we tend to get involved in Facebook statuses, Twitter tweets and going to the internet and looking at stuff.

To stay focused and remove procrastination, one of the best techniques is the Pomodoro Technique – developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 80s. The idea is to work continuously on a single task for a certain period and then take a quick rest. After 4 intervals (pomodoros) you take a longer break.

Pomodoro technique recommends doing work in 25 minute intervals and taking a 5 minute break.

Basic Steps in implementing the Pomodoro Technique

  1. Decide on the task to be done
  2. Set the pomodoro timer to 25 minutes
  3. Work on the task until the timer rings
  4. Take a 5 minute break
  5. Every 4 pomodoro’s, take a longer break (25 minutes)

Tools – Watch, paper and pen

  1. Write your task down
  2. Set the watch/clock/timer to beep in 25 minutes
  3. Start working on the task
  4. After the timer rings, stop for 5 minutes

Tools – Software

Focus booster

focus booster is a great free application to put the pomodoro technique to practice. It is an Adobe Air App so will run on all systems. It is very sleek and easy to use. You basically start the application and click on play until the time runs out. Then you get a 5 minute break and then start again. You can adjust the work time and break time as you wish. If you do not wish to install the application then focus booster allows you to run it live from the browser. This is called focus booster live!
Focus Booster - the Pomodoro Technique
Grab the desktop application here:

Use the live browser version here:

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